Burn Permits

You are responsible to obtain all permits related to your property address. Please check CAL FIRE's Burn Permit Responsibility Area Viewer website to find out if your burning location is located inside Truckee Fire Local Responsibility Area (LRA) or CAL FIRE's State Responsibility Area (SRA) jurisdiction prior to submitting your burn permit application.



  • Burn permits are now issued ONLINE and FREE of charge! The permit allows for the burning of dry vegetation (NOT household trash) that originates on the landowners property.  Violations of any burning permit terms are a violation of state law (Public Resource Codes 4421, 4422, 4423 and 4425).

  • Your Home Owners Association may not allow residential burning. Check your local CC&R's for further restrictions. 



    • Make sure your pile(s) are no larger than four feet by four feet in diameter.

    • Scrape a ten foot wide ring around each debris pile down to bare dirt.

    • Have a shovel and water supply (charged hose) close by to use in the event your fire escapes from the pile.

    • Make sure an adult is in attendance throughout the entire burn until the pile is completely extinguished.

    • No burning shall be undertaken unless weather conditions, (particularly wind) are such that burning can be considered safe.

    • You may only burn on “Permissive Burn Days” as determined by Air Quality. Make sure to call your local Air Quality Management District prior to lighting your pile(s).

    • During certain times of the year when fire danger is high, residential debris burning of dead vegetation is unsafe and burn restrictions go into effect. These restrictions are usually lifted in the winter months however, homeowners should always check with their local Air Quality Management Districts before burning.





  • 1-800-998-BURN


To eliminate the chance of a fire spreading, to reduce pollutants from the air, or if health reasons prevent you from burning, here are other ways to dispose of yard waste.


“It is imperative that landowners follow all requirements listed on the burn permit,” said the CAL FIRE Nevada-Yuba-Placer Unit Chief. “If a fire escapes their control, they can be issued a citation and be held liable for suppression costs and damages.”



Applicants interested in obtaining a Project Burn Permit (nonresidential) within the Truckee Fire Protection District LRA; please contact admin@truckeefire.org.

General Burn (nonresidential) LE-5:

  • Agriculture and large pile burning (larger than 4 ft x 4 ft)

  • Incinerators and hazardous projects that could cause a fire i.e. outdoor welding

  • Larger controlled applications of fire to the land for fuel reduction purposes

  • These permits are reviewed by the Fire Marshal and might require a site inspection