emergency medical services


More than 85% of the Districts's daily emergency responses are related to Emergency Medical Services. Every member of the Truckee Fire Protection District is a trained and Accredited Paramedic. As a resident or visitor of our district, you will receive advanced life support personnel, equipment, and knowledge for any 911 call. This provides the most advanced pre-hospital care available, including 12 lead Cardiac heart monitoring, establishing intravenous lines, and administration of needed medications.


Truckee Fire has upgraded to Advanced Life Support fire engines within our fleet. This new upgrade to ALS engines ensures that when we respond to any engine based 911 call, you will receive paramedic personnel and compatible equipment to assess any patient.


Our district has 8 Paramedic units located strategically throughout the Truckee area. We operate with dynamic and state of the art dispatch capabilities using Grass Valley ECC (Emergency Command Center) to assure you receive Advanced Life Support care as quickly as possible. Our EMS transport decisions include ground ambulances and air ambulances in coordination with allied agencies. This ensures the patient will receive rapid assessment, treatment, and transport to appropriate area hospitals, STEMI, Stroke, and Trauma Receiving facilities.