Curbside Green Waste Pick-up and Green waste dumpster rebate Programs

now open!

Creating defensible space around your home is an important and essential step to improve your home’s chance of surviving wildfire. The Fire District will support your defensible space work by offering disposal options of most defensible space vegetation.

Read the information below,
and have your pile ready for pickup BEFORE
making a pickup request.

Curbside Green Waste Pick-Up Before & After Photos

Residential Curbside Green Waste Pick-Up


A crew will drive up in a large dump truck with a grapple to pick up and haul away defensible space vegetation from the curbside pile.

Material being hauled away must be:
Stacked neatly with the cut or large ends facing the street
- Stacked no higher than 6 feet
- Stacked curbside in an open area with 3 feet of clearance from: snow poles, fire hydrants, bear boxes, utility poles, trees, landscaping, and other features that would limit the ability to mechanically grapple the pile.

Eligible material:
Woody biomass: shrubs, tree limbs, trees up to 8 inches diameter, either green or recently dead
- Maximum length of material is 6 feet long

Non-eligible material:
Pine needles, bark or pine cones
- Roots or root wads (tree stumps)
- Scrap lumber
- Lot clearing for construction
- Commercial projects, timber harvest projects
- Tractor piles
- Garbage (trash) & large firewood rounds
- Metal, wire or rocks

*This program is for vegetation that has been removed from the area within 100 feet of your home or a neighboring structure. Vacant lots are eligible for this service if they are within 100 feet of a home or structure regardless of property boundaries. For vegetation removed outside of these parameters, or for disposal options trees larger than 8 inches in diameter, call 530-582-7888 to discuss disposal options.

**This program cannot be used for large and commercial projects including but not limited to: commercial lot clearing, construction projects, timber harvest projects, etc. This is a residential program designed to support and incentivize defensible space creation and maintenance around homes by eliminating the barriers associated with transporting biomass to a suitable outlet.

***This is the third year that TFPD is offering District-wide curbside green waste programs. The intent is for all requests to be removed within 2-weeks. However if there are a large number of requests to be processed it may take contractor(s) additional time to provide the service.


Funds from Measure T will reimburse you up to $75 towards the cost of a 6 yard Green Waste dumpster rental so you can remove vegetation and create defensible space around your home. Simply provide a paid receipt from Tahoe Truckee Sierra Disposal and we will reimburse you up to $75 - WHILE FUNDS LAST!

20 and 30 yard Dumpster Reimbursements are available for Firewise Community workdays.

CLICK HERE for 6 Yard Dumpster Rebate Details

CLICK HERE for Firewise Community Green Waste Dumpster Reimbursement Details

Other Green Waste Disposal Opportunities based on where you live: