Community Wildfire Protection Plan

What is a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)?

CWPPs are collaborative, community-driven frameworks that outline local priorities for wildfire risk mitigation. They gather best available data and conduct a risk assessment for the local planning area. Data and inputs from the community identify and prioritize hazardous fuels reduction treatment for communities, and recommend measures to reduce structural ignitability and addresses wildfire response, hazard mitigation, community preparedness, and other wildfire issues. ​In simpler terms, a CWPP becomes a Wildfire Mitigation Roadmap for the community to use as a guiding tool to carry out coordinated actions to create wildfire resilient communities.

2024 Truckee Fire CWPP Update

Truckee Fire, in collaboration with SWCA Environmental Consultants, Vibrant Planet’s Land Tender decision support tool, a diverse and representative project team, stakeholders, and the community has successfully completed the 2024 Truckee Fire Community Wildfire Protection Plan.

The 2024 Truckee Fire CWPP is a collaborative effort to enhance the safety and resilience of our community from wildfires. This plan will develop an implementable and prioritized plan for risk-reduction activities and monitoring that promotes wildfire resilience in Truckee while working with partners and the community at all levels and angles to take a holistic approach to wildfire mitigations.

We invite all community members to view the CWPP and accompanying Story Map.


Overview of how Land Tender "The Decision Support Tool" was used in Truckee Fire Protection District's Community Wildfire Protection Plan by Joe Flannery.

Still Have Questions? Reach out to our Wildfire Prevention Division at 530.582.7888