Special Event Permits
All events are required to submit a completed application form and plan describing event activities, timelines, and any temporary facilities proposed.
Please provide as much information as possible in regard to your event. Once we have received your completed application, plan review fee (cost recovery fees are generally associated with any plan review, service, or inspection), and event information, we will determine whether any additional steps or mitigation measures are needed before we approve the event.
Thank you for notifying us of your event. We are happy to assist in making your event as successful as we possibly can!
Fire and or EMS standby services at special events vary depending on the requirements for public safety and the organization making the request for service (government, business, nonprofit, etc.). Please read the following information regarding your special event.
Special events should not impact the normal levels of service and typical response times of emergency services to any incident within our jurisdiction.
Truckee Fire will make every effort to provide the level of service requested, however no level of service or coverage can be guaranteed due to the nature of Fire/Rescue and EMS services and the Fire District’s primary mission of protecting the lives and property of the residents and visitors to our community.
An EMS Plan, if applicable, should be included when submitting the application and, depending on the event type, may be required regardless of whether or not there is a need for Fire and/or EMS standby services.
Typical events requiring an EMS plan include: races, open water swims, other physical/athletic events or large events over 2,500 people.
Special events may also require State mandated inspections of temporary facilities such as tents, stages and structures.
After review of the Special Event Standby Service Request Application by Fire District staff, an associated fee will be determined for the plan review and be billed to the event.
Additional fees may be associated with inspections. Fees for Fire and/or EMS Services will be collected upon completion of event and will be documented in the Special Event Standby Service Contract.
Cost recovery fees are generally associated with any plan review, services or inspections.
Special Events that require Fire Engine and/or Ambulance standby must submit a Special Event Standby Service Request Application at least 45 days prior to the start of any event.
If standby services are required, a Contract for Special Event Standby Services must be finalized at least 30 days prior to the start of any event.