harden your home against wildfire

What is Home Hardening?

“Hardening a Home” is the process of reducing a home’s risk to wildfire by using non-combustible building materials, keeping the area around your home free of debris and taking steps to prevent embers from entering the home.
Taking measures to harden (prepare) your home can help increase its likelihood of survival when wildfire strikes.

How homes ignite

Structures ignite during wildfires as a result of one or more of these three wildfire exposures: embers, radiant heat, and direct flame contact.

  • Embers - the most common home ignition source.

    • Wind-borne embers can blow more than a mile away from a wildfire and are a leading cause of home ignitions during these events.

    • Embers can ignite dead vegetation next to your house or on your house, causing significant damage.

  • Radiant heat - if fire is close enough to combustible material, or the radiant heat is high enough, an ignition will most likely result.

  • Direct flame contact - home-to-home spread of fire has become more common as separation between homes is decreasing.


The Truckee Fire Protection District is offering rebates up to $500 for home hardening upgrades.

Rebates are awarded as a reimbursement for Home Hardening upgrades that were identified on an inspection. Upon successful completion of the project and an approved application, TFPD will issue a rebate of up to 50% of the project cost, not to exceed $500.  Home hardening and defensible space go hand in hand, therefore applicants are expected to also make progress toward or achieve compliance on outstanding defensible space violations. Keep reading for further details. 

how to participate

1. Determine what upgrades your structure is eligible for

Schedule a defensible space inspection or call 530-582-7888.
Already had an inspection? Access your report online or call us for a printed copy.

2. Complete upgrades

Review the Home Hardening Recommendations in your report and make eligible upgrades. Homeowners must also make progress toward defensible space compliance; at a minimum, address the items within the first five feet of your structure.

3. Confirm resolutions

Schedule a reinspection OR submit photos and comments on your report. In some cases, a re-inspection may be required after photos are submitted.

4. Request rebate

Gather your receipts and photos and submit your application through your report. Click on the “Rebates” tab, then create a login.

Schedule an inspection


The rebate application is accessible through your Defensible Space Report. Click on the “Rebates” tab, then create a login.


  • Existing, permitted structures only (no new construction; no outbuildings or sheds).

  • ZONE ZERO (the first five feet surrounding your home) must be free of:

    • Combustible mulch and fire wood

    • Pine needles / leaf litter on the roof, in the gutters, on or under the deck, or on the ground within the first 5 feet of the structure

    • Tree limbs overhanging or touching the roof, eaves, or siding

    • Construction material or other combustibles under decks or within the first 5 feet of the structure

    • High fire hazard plants

    • Unmaintained vegetation (with dead branches, or collecting dead leaves and pine needles underneath)

Eligible Upgrades

Truckee Fire is incentivizing residents to make upgrades to existing structures that will improve wildfire resiliency, and may improve insurability or qualify residents for insurance discounts.

  • Purchases and work must be completed on or after the start date of this rebate program (August 14, 2023). 

  • The applicant is responsible for obtaining any permits and design approvals to complete the work:

  • Any home hardening upgrades identified on your Inspection Report are eligible for the rebate! Here are some of the top upgrades to increase structure resilience:

Eligible Expenses

  • Materials affixed to the structure for home hardening or tarps that will enclose firewood.

  • Labor/services for the installation of home hardening materials.

  • NOT ELIGIBLE: purchases and labor completed before the start date of this rebate program (August 14, 2023).

  • NOT ELIGIBLE: purchase/rental of tools/equipment



Please review our Program Guidelines and extensive FAQ . Still have questions? Contact us via email at HardenYourHome@TruckeeFire.org.