Measure T
Low Income exemption and contiguous property abatement
Did you know? A low-income or contiguous property exemption for the $179 Measure T Wildfire Protection Special Tax is available for qualifying applicants.
Low-Income Exemption
A property owner who owns and occupies a single-family home parcel as their principal residence and qualifies as low-income as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) may apply for a low-income exemption for that parcel. Upon application, an exemption may be granted on any parcel owned by a qualified property owner. To qualify, the applicant must meet the following specific criteria:
1. Own and occupy the single-family residence as their primary residence.
2. Combined family income in the calendar year prior (from all sources from January 1 to December 31 to the property tax year (July 1 to June 30) that is at or below the income level qualifying as “low income” for a family of such size as defined by HUD. A low income property owner, as defined by HUD, is the owner of the property and has an income of 80% of the median income for either Nevada County or Placer County.
Applications can be found below, and may also be requested by phone by calling SCI Consulting Group, the District’s Special Tax Administrator, at (800) 273-5167.
Information about the exemption may be found here Measure T Exemption FAQ's or by contacting SCI Consulting Group, the District’s Special Tax Administrator at (800) 273-5167.
Contiguous Parcel Abatement
A property owner who owns and occupies a single-family home as their principal residence, which is contiguous to another parcel, may receive an abatement from the Special Tax for the contiguous parcel. To receive a contiguous parcel abatement, the parcel must be contiguous to the primary parcel, be under the same ownership, constitute one economic unit, and cannot be sold or developed separately.
Parcels that are in proximity of, but not contiguous, will not be granted an abatement unless the parcel owner chooses to have them combined or merged through the County and submits a signed copy of a Recorded Notice Merger.
The application for Contiguous Parcel Abatement can be found below, and may also be requested by phone by contacting SCI Consulting Group, the District’s Special Tax Administrator, at (800) 273-5167.
Information about the exemption may be found here Measure T Exemption FAQ's or by contacting SCI Consulting Group, the District’s Special Tax Administrator at (800) 273-5167.
Additional information about Measure T:
Measure T Community Wildfire Prevention Fund Implementation Plan & Budget Summary