construction final inspection


The Truckee Fire Prevention Bureau inspects the life safety components of new building construction and remodels to ensure key safety systems such as fire alarms and fire sprinklers are designed correctly and work properly at the time the building is occupied.

Along with Plan Review, construction inspection services ensure buildings under construction and those being remodeled are in accordance with the California Fire Code, Local Ordinance and other regulations.

Fire Sprinkler and Fire Alarm System Inspections & Plan Reviews: Fire sprinkler and fire alarm system construction inspections and plan reviews are done by Engineered Fire Systems, the Town of Truckee, Placer County and Nevada County. Please check HERE to learn more about submitting your plans and scheduling inspections.

Please review the following categories of inspection items for your upcoming construction final inspection to ensure everything is ready when our inspector arrives.

    • Address numbers posted on structure and clearly visible from the street/road and high enough so they are not obstructed by snow in the winter

    • Numbers must be contrasting colors from surface they are mounted to

    • 4 inch min. height, ½ inch stroke. Larger numbers are often required to meet visibility requirement

    • Address numbers posted at entrance to property in location high enough so that they are not buried by snow

    • Must be protected by an approved meter shed where required

    • Gas Meter sign installed above meter at a height where it will not be obscured by snow

    • Installed and constructed with approved design and materials (NFPA 58, CA Fire Code, CA Building Code)

  • Outdoor Gas Appliances: Install according to approved plans. Timer/solenoid in place and functioning. Gas shut off valves at stub out and at appliance. Cut sheet(s) and plans ready for review at job site.

    Generators/Energy Storage Systems/Solar Photovoltaic Power Systems: Truckee Fire performs these inspections on systems installed outside of the Town of Truckee’s boundaries. All labeling/placarding needs to be in place prior to our inspection. All gas lines need to be protected from falling snow and ice. Shunt trips installed for emergency power shut off and within 3 feet of main electrical panel. Please review our local Ordinance 01-2022 for guidance.

    • “Main Electrical Shut Off” or “Main Service Disconnect” placard/sign required for concealed electric meters/panels on house exterior. Placard/sign must be clearly visible so it can be seen by emergency responders.


Defensible Space Requirements

Property owners shall maintain defensible space at all times per CA state law under PRC-4291. A Defensible Space Inspection will be performed in conjunction with your Fire and Life Safety Inspection. Your defensible space should be completed PRIOR to the inspector’s arrival to ensure a passing inspection. The requirements to meet compliance are outlined below. Click on each “Zone” to learn more!

  • Extends 5 feet horizontally and vertically from any structure.

    • No combustible bark or mulch around structure.

    • Remove all dead and dying weeds, grass, plants, shrubs, trees, branches and “vegetative debris”-leaves, needles, cones, bark, etc.

    • Remove dead or dry leaves and pine needles from roof and gutters.

    • Remove all branches within 10 feet of any chimney, stovepipe and roof.

    • Remove or prune flammable plants and shrubs near windows.

    • Limit combustible items (outdoor furniture, planters, etc.) on decks.

    • Relocate firewood and lumber to Zone 2.

    • Consider relocating garbage and recycling containers, boats, RVs, vehicles and other combustible items outside this zone.

  • Extends from 5 to 30 feet from any structure.

    • Remove dead plants, grass and weeds and vegetative debris.

    • Trim tree branches to a minimum of 6 feet from the ground.

    • Cut or mow annual grass down to a maximum height of 4 inches.

    • Remove vegetation and items that could catch fire from around and under decks, balconies and stairs.

    • Create separation between trees, shrubs and items that could catch fire, such as patio furniture, wood piles, swing sets, etc

  • Extends from 30 feet to no less than 100 feet from any structure.

    • Cut or mow annual grass down to a maximum height of 4 inches.

    • Create spacing between shrubs and trees.

    • Reduce “duff”-fallen leaves, needles, twigs, bark, cones, and small branches to a maximum depth of 3 inches.

    • All exposed wood piles must have a minimum of 10 feet of clearance, down to bare mineral soil, in all directions.



Defensible Space Service Providers 2024 *This list includes several local contractors who perform defensible space work.

Defensible Space Self Inspection Form *This form can be used as an aid to ensure you have met the defensible space requirements.

Green Waste Program
