Youth FireSetter Program


The goal of the Truckee Fire Protection District's Youth Firesetter Prevention and Intervention Program is to reduce the devastating effects of juvenile firesetting by providing assistance and support to the community by assessment, intervention, education and referral for counseling for juvenile firesetters and their families.

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According to NFPA-

  • Fires started by children playing accounted for an average of 56,300 fires with associated losses of 110 civilian deaths, 880 civilian injuries, and $286 million in direct property damage per year, between 2005 and 2009.

  • Younger children are more likely to set fires in homes, while older children and teenagers are more likely to set fires outside.

  • Males are more likely to engage in fire play than females, as 83 percent of home structure fires and 93 percent of outside or unclassified fires were set by males.

  • Lighters were the heat source in half (50 percent) of child-playing fires in homes.

  • A child’s bedroom continues to account for 40 percent of child-playing home fires.


What should you do if you suspect your child is setting fires? If your child is displaying firesetting behavior, you and your family are at a higher risk for suffering the consequences of fire. Remember, you are not the only parent ever to face this problem. Explain the situation to your child and keep lighters and matches in a secure location. Teach them that all fires, even small ones, can spread quickly. 


For further assistance and information, contact