• Firewise USA is a national program created by the National Fire Protection Association that addresses the risks of homes to wildfire in the wildland/urban interface. It encourages local community-based solutions for wildfire safety, with the goal of reducing home ignition due to wildfire. Firewise emphasizes homeowner responsibility and provides the framework for education dissemination, community partnerships, and local actions that support community wildfire safety efforts. Truckee Fire is a Regional Coordinator for Firewise communities; we don’t administer the program nor manage the individual communities.

  • No, the Firewise USA program is not a government agency.  It is administered by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a nonprofit organization. The NFPA Firewise USA® is a voluntary recognition program that was designed to help people learn about wildfire and how they can make their homes and neighborhoods safer. It is a research based program which shows how to better prepare homes to withstand embers and prevent flames or surface fire from igniting the home, and its immediate surroundings. Firewise provides a framework to help neighbors get organized, find direction, and take action to increase the ignition resistance of their homes and communities from wildfire.

  • Chances are good that you are! As of January 2025, 85% of residents in the Truckee Fire Protection District are in Firewise Communities. Select your county to search by your address:

    NEVADA County

    PLACER County

  • Firewise communities are those that have taken appropriate measures to become more resistant to wildfire structural damage. An online Firewise Toolkit, including a Firewise tips checklist for homeowners, is available on the Firewise website. Firewise techniques include minimizing the risk of home ignition by carefully landscaping around residential structures such as thinning trees and brush and choosing fire-resistant plants, selecting ignition-resistant building materials and positioning structures away from slopes.

    In addition, communities that have earned the special distinction of being recognized under the Firewise USA Program have followed a systematic approach to organizing and implementing a Firewise mitigation plan in their neighborhood. Program criteria and additional information about the Program can be found on the Firewise website.

  • No. The program is organized to provide you the structure and resources to move in that direction.

  • No. 3-5 volunteer community leaders form a committee and take the steps to apply for recognition.  Participation is then measured on a neighborhood level, with a minimum commitment of 1-hour per home, on average, annually.  Those that don’t participate still receive the benefit of being part of a Firewise community even if they don’t do the work.  However, it is encouraged that each property is engaged in doing their part.

  • Preparing your property for fire does not mean removing all your trees. There are many other things you can do to help make your home resistant from embers or firebrands that may involve simply removing overhanging branches or limbing low hanging branches up from the ground. Remember that healthy, well-maintained trees or forestland on your property will provide many benefits and not necessarily pose a major risk for wildfire spread. Your site-specific risk depends on the species and arrangement of the trees, as well as other factors. Consult an arborist or forester to learn more about the health of your landscape. Removing or thinning trees may actually be necessary to maintain the health of the trees.

  • NFPA does not work for the insurance industry and the Firewise USA Recognition Program was not created for insurance purposes.  California is the only current state that has tied insurance discounts to Firewise USA. NFPA, your State Liaisons and Regional Coordinators are doing their best to support this change with limited resources.


is my community firewise?



Truckee Fire is a Regional Coordinator for Firewise USA communities within the Truckee Fire Protection District. Each Firewise USA community is managed by a volunteer committee of residents and property owners. Community members should contact their Resident Leader for a copy of their community’s certificate.


Whether you’re an existing Firewise Leader or interested in organizing your neighborhood for wildfire resiliency, the Firewise Leader Hub has everything you need to apply for or renew your community’s recognition.


Do you want Truckee Fire at your FIREWISE Community Event?